Thursday, October 31, 2019

Christmas Cards, Part 4

This week I am highlighting cards that we made during my Christmas card class last week.  Today is Day 4, and we had a watercoloring lesson.

Starting with a piece of Watercolor paper, we used Aqua Painters and a Night of Navy ink refill to watercolor the sky.  We diluted the ink three times (making three "pools") and dipped our Aqua Painters in the lightest "pool" first, increasing the intensity of the color as we went.  While this dried, we tore another piece of Watercolor paper to make our snowy hills, stamping the greeting on one using Tuxedo Black ink.

Once our watercolored piece was dry, we adhered to a Thick Whisper White base.  Then we added our hills and trees (which were cut using a retired Card Front Builder die and Shaded Spruce card stock).  Everyone got to try the Snowfall Accents Puff Paint (and did a much more artistic snow-job on their trees than mine! 😂) and finally we added our flying Santa.

Santa was cut from the Jolly Season dies, and adhered to the front of the card.  And note the Red Rhinestone Jewel on Rudolph's nose!

This was such a fun card, and was quite easy to complete.  If you need multiples, give it a try!

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