Saturday, June 30, 2018

FREE Ink Pads

Did I say, "FREE"?  Yes I did.  For one month, starting Sunday, July 1st, you can get a FREE Family of ink pads.  That's 10 full-sized ink pads, absolutely FREE!

This offer is for any new demonstrator who joins in the month of July.

Now, why would you join?  Well, I can give you lots of reasons.  Take a look:

1.  FREE Ink Pads!
2.  Starter kit is only $99 - FREE shipping, and you get to customize it with products you choose, up to $125 worth
3.  New Catalog (I'm sure your wish list is long!)
4.  Discount of at least 20% on all products purchased.
5.  NO obligation to ever sell anything...unless you want to.  You can purchase for yourself (remember, you always get 20% off), you can sell to friends, you can develop a can enjoy your $125 in product, your FREE family of ink pads, and do absolutely nothing else!

Look at all those colors!  And one of these families of colors can be yours, absolutely FREE!

Head to my website, here, and click "Join the Fun", and you'll be on your way to collecting your new family of ink pads!

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